Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sarah Palin pardons Turkey but is truly heartless

Sarah Palin pardons Turkey but is truly heartless

Like most nights I watch Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Tonight's Countdown was almost heartless as Gov. Sarah Palin gives one Turkey a pardon -'that is the good news'.

the host of Countdown tonight- breaks off to the begining of the interview (what the viewers didn't see) Palin is seen giving her Pre-Turley pardon interview, while a turkey is being mutilated behind her! WTF!!!!

Ohhh, this was totally vile, as Palin continues to smile for the camera and bark without batting an eyelash while they are killing a turkey live during her interview!

You can see the turkey being put into a vat head down, while the vat is shaking or something? there is blood all over the mans pants as he is killing the turkey.
Thank God, the volume was muted. What a heartless, shameless, Bitch, Sarah Palin is.

Lot's of Americans eat turkey every Thanksgiving, now this just might change your mind.

it was years ago on Thanksgiving weekend, while cooking turkey soup, that had me turn veggie. this freakin grossed me out!!! Sarah Palin a class act!!~ NOT!!

Video Below-warning this video might piss you off!!!!!

freakin whacked jerekette, listen to this idiot!! this almost made me cry~ no freakin class at all!
hear the end? "No worries" said Palin, for the turkey killing in the back drop.


Anonymous said...

It's pretty clear she considers the whole thing a joke...along with any concern for animals...or people, for that matter.....

Unknown said...

she sounds like a danb loar/hypocrite Dr, Jay!

thabx for the comment

Anonymous said...

Given the fact that this person has absolutely no political accumen what-so-ever - this video doesn't surprise me.... After MSNBC aired this do you think the Palin dinner conversation was something like this:

"Hey, honey, do you think that turkey thing, you know, the one where I was talkin' all cutesy, like people are stupid, while they killed the birds in the background will get played again in 2012?..."

Anonymous said...

Harley, Palin is back at wolf-killing with a vengence. She is a sadist regarding animals and an idiot regarding the environment. I can't wait until Obama takes office and then we'll see how Palin thinks she's going to keep ignoring federal mandates regarding endangered species in Alaska. Alaska sure didn't mind taking tons of federal money for education and other uses. But Palin doesn't want to follow federal rules and guidelines. Showdown in January! A big yay for the big O, and for all the people who voted.

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